Friday, October 22, 2010

Marc and I went to PAP early this morning to see if we could get a container out of customs, but it appears that the paper work on this end is going to be the hold up now. Not all was a waste we were also able to pickup some material to build some play ground equipment for the elementary school. Our plan is to start painting the school tomorrow as well start building the play ground. Also included is a trip to the market as it is Saturday.
Some of the other highlights of today were Lenic, Venta, Richard and Simon were busy laying out and tying rebar for the wall panel molds and helping with the posts for the medical clinic while adding in a trip with Pat to the local Haitian hardware store (Canadian tire ha ha!!).
Mike, Pat, Kendra, Katrina, and Rebecca took pictures of all the elementary school kids, what an experience. The children were so excited it was hard to keep them focused.
this busy day was topped off with a walk through the community ending up at the beach for swim in the ocean.


  1. Oh the beach.... lovely! A great way to end a hot Haitian day! Sounds like today was productive and hopefully you are all feeling positive! I trust that God is working through and IN you! With my love and prayers, Chauntille

  2. Hello. This is Lenic's sister Lorraine. We appreciate the updates on this blog, and in Tyler's eamil - it makes us feel like we are being present with you. We continue to wrap you in our prayers. News about cholera outbreaks in Haiti has been top of the Canadian news since last night, so we are also praying forr the health of the team. Please giver our love to Len.

  3. The Cholera outbreak is not in this area at this time, and we are all healthy. Thanks for your prayers and support.
