Today the weather was pretty nice, I went to church this morning and I shared my testimony! I felt God was with me when I was saying it, because usually when I get in frin of people, I get nervous and the words don't come out clearly. I felt His presence, like He was right beside me, it was hard to comprehand was I was feeling at that moment! In the afternoon we went to the Tapion church...that's a childrens church. That church is pretty huge at times there can be over 200 kids there, today there were just over 100. *Right after the earthquake the church had many adults in it but as the pastors taught on specific spirtual issues, a lot of the adults did not want to change their lifestyles and stopped coming to church...BUT the kids wanted to still come, so the directors of the church said lets devote this church to the kids. It started out at 30-40 and just got bigger from there!
While I listened to the kids recite scripture from the Bible and sing went into my spirit. There is one lady who has been led to shepard these children..what a mighty task she has taken on, I felt as I was praying that God would find someone to help her, to share the load.
I enjoyed Darlene's testimony and how Keith has really felt God's power today..we all did, but Keith said he saw God today! Amen!
Each person in the group has God moments. Everything from how smooth thing went today to spending time with the children...they like to touch and hold hands...what a blessing they are!
God bless you all!
The LORD is with each one of you in Haiti! It is wonderful to hear how you are all experiencing His presence.